Seperate RFMO layers by type
Max Schofield
Currently RFMO layer toggle loads all RFMOs which is a very busy layer. It'd be great to be able to quickly filter to types of RFMOs e.g. tuna RFMOs, groundfish RFMOs etc. This is currently possible selecting individual RFMOs by name but as there is so many its quite an involved task.
Willa Brooks
I think this is interesting feedback and something to also think about for VOI Annie Mejaes
In the CVP there are ways to select all vessel flagged to the EU, that are PSMA or red/yellow cards - I think it would be helpful to do something similar for the RFMO toggle on the Map, but maybe just to start with a few concrete group of RFMOs we know are of interest - eg tuna RFMOs and then maybe a few other groups of RFMOs identified by Max and other analysts