Global Fishing Watch
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Platform Requests
Data & API Requests
Research Requests
Uploading - Track identification
Platform Requests
Add informative debugging information when uploading data
Platform Requests
Vessel presence - Improving bunker vessels shown on the map
Platform Requests
In Progress
Toggle global ports layer on Map
Platform Requests
Vessel tracks - Display fishing hours labels along a ship's track
Platform Requests
Environment - Compare environmental layers across time
Platform Requests
Uploading - Display the name of the variable
Platform Requests
Can the Hudson River be added?
Platform Requests
Map layout - Vessel List in alphabetical order
Platform Requests
Usability - Sort activity filter options (like gear type) alphabetically
Platform Requests
Shared and collaborative workspaces
Platform Requests
Points - Remove point outlines
Platform Requests
Activity - Dynamic color ranges
Platform Requests
Vessel groups - Improve color ramps for vessel groups
Platform Requests
Feedback - Link to Canny for feature requests
Platform Requests
Vessel search - track footprint widget
Platform Requests
Activity - High resolution
Platform Requests
Notes - Ability to add personal notes to workspaces or individual vessels
Platform Requests
Vessel profiles - Grouping events on long trips
Platform Requests
API - Encounters
Platform Requests
Reference layers - Multiple reference layers
Platform Requests
Reference layers - Drawing polygons, Custom layers by coordinates
Platform Requests
Reference layers - Improve latitude longitude grid clarity
Platform Requests
Performance - Low internet connectivity
Platform Requests
Vessel tracks - Show tracks when clicking on a grid cell
Platform Requests
Dynamic Reports, Analysis - Static layers
Platform Requests
Vessel tracks - Show speed along the track
Platform Requests
Usability - For the ruler, include the length for different zoom levels
Platform Requests
Download presence data
Platform Requests
Usability - Gear type classification
Platform Requests
Usability - Reorganize the sidebar
Platform Requests
Dynamic reports, Analysis - Multiple areas
Platform Requests
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